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The only thing more terrifying than blindness is being the only one who can see

Anbefaler denne artikkelen. Det er noe av det beste jeg har lest fra noen journalist under pandemien. Her er en som har fulgt med på forskningsfronten over tid. Sånn føles det å sitte med kunnskap i dag -

Noen utdrag:

"Thanks to bad public policy, the frightening reality of a forever pandemic is becoming more probable day by day

Let’s call it a plague of willful incompetence or an outbreak of epidemiological stupidity.

Yes, the people have been abandoned.

The word diabolical comes to mind. The British immunologist Danny Altmann compares the situation to “being trapped on a rollercoaster in a horror film.”

... letting the virus run unchecked is pretty much a strategy for creating a tsunami of neurological impairment and chronic illness in the general population. It is also a nihilistic prescription for sowing chaos in western societies already dancing a tango with political collapse.

Letting the virus rip also supports a nightmare scenario where initial infections disarm and sabotage immune systems leaving them more vulnerable to future infections and new pathogens such as monkeypox.

Thanks to bad public policy, the frightening reality of a forever pandemic is becoming more probable day by day.

So here is the uncomfortable reality the authorities don’t want to talk about but to which every citizen must pay attention.

The pandemic is not over, and it will not likely end for years. It spreads through the air in aerosols like a viral smoke, in distances greater than two metres. The disease (a thrombotic fever) is not mild. Just one infection can destabilize your immune system and age it by 10 years. The risk of long COVID increases with each infection. Reinfections harm the immune system and increase hospitalizations and death even among the vaccinated.

In real terms “living with the virus” means living with a normalization of death, reinfections, long COVID, disruption and exhausted health-care workers. People would never vote for a deteriorating quality of life and risk, but that’s where public policy is now taking us.

As one critic recently noted on Twitter, the world has divided into two groups of people: “Those who already realize that SARS-CoV-2 causes neurological, vascular and immune system damage… and that damage from reinfections is cumulative. 2) Those who are about to find out.”

Or as José Saramago might have put it, “the only thing more terrifying than blindness is being the only one who can see.”"

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