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Skremmende utvikling in USA

Hvordan skal det gå med USA? Krisen vil ingen ende ta.

Og med stigende smittetall kan det fortsatt bli verre. En stor tragedie utspiller seg.

Dr. Joseph Costa, 56, sjef på intensivavdelingen ved Mercy Medical Center i Baltimore er en av 850 helsearbeidere i USA som har mistet livet i kampen mot koronaviruset. «America’s health care workers are dying. In some states, medical personnel account for as many as 20% of known coronavirus cases.»

«A surge in coronavirus cases in rural Texas has forced one hospital to set up “death panels” to decide which patients it can save and which ones will be sent home to die. ... “We are not ICU [intensive care unit] capable, but we are doing ICU work. ... “We are doing the best we can with the resources available.”»


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