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India: De fleste smittes av noen på deres egen alder, også barna

Ny studie av >500.000 cases fra India med viktige tall rundt smitte blant barn: “... children and young adults were found to be potentially much more important to transmitting the virus — especially within households — than previous studies have identified. ... The researchers found that the chances of a person with coronavirus, regardless of their age, passing it on to a close contact ranged from 2.6% in the community to 9% in the household. The researchers found that children and young adults — who made up one-third of COVID cases — were especially key to transmitting the virus in the studied populations.

“Kids are very efficient transmitters in this setting, which is something that hasn’t been firmly established in previous studies,” Laxminarayan said. “We found that reported cases and deaths have been more concentrated in younger cohorts than we expected based on observations in higher-income countries.”

Children and young adults were much more likely to contract coronavirus from people their own age, the study found. Across all age groups, people had a greater chance of catching the coronavirus from someone their own age.»

I tillegg viser studien hvor viktig super-spreader events er: «... the paper is the first large study to capture the extraordinary extent to which SARS-CoV-2 hinges on “superspreading,” in which a small percentage of the infected population passes the virus on to more people. The researchers found that 71% of infected individuals did not infect any of their contacts, while a mere 8% of infected individuals accounted for 60% of new infections.»

Super-spreading som innslag i koronapandemien, og variablen k, er ellers forklart på en svært god måte her, for de som ikke har sett denne: «The definition of k is a mouthful, but it’s simply a way of asking whether a virus spreads in a steady manner or in big bursts, whereby one person infects many, all at once. After nine months of collecting epidemiological data, we know that this is an overdispersed pathogen, meaning that it tends to spread in clusters, but this knowledge has not yet fully entered our way of thinking about the pandemic—or our preventive practices.»

Dette betyr at det har mening å begrense antall mennesker i en forsamling, som Norge praktiserer mange steder, bare ikke i skolene. Her bør det gjøres noen grep.

Vi må også få informert folk om at man må ta høyde for luftsmitte innendørs i tiden fremover, også i skolene. Og så må vi huske på at en ganske stor andel av de smittede aldri utvikler symptomer, men likevel kan smitte andre. Munnbind kan redusere risikoen betraktelig i en innendørs setting, god ventilasjon likeså. Dette er nå gjengs stoff på nyhetssendinger i andre land. Når kommer norske myndigheter på banen?


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