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Små barn kan spre smitte

Studie som viser at små barn overfører smitte i større grad enn antatt: "We report a cluster of surprisingly high spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) associated with a single nursery in Poland. Our findings contrast with the presumed negligible role of children in driving the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Children 1–2 years of age might be effective SARS-CoV-2 spreaders... Neither children nor caregivers moved across multiple classes. Caregivers wore facemasks when in contact with children. Parents did not enter the building when dropping off and picking up children. Contacts between parents and nursery workers lasted <15 minutes, with facemasks on. Family members of different children did not mix.... The index case of SARS-CoV-2 infection (in a nursery worker with family contact) was confirmed on June 4. Subsequent PCR testing of nursery staff, children attending the facility, and family members (2 initial case-patients plus 104 other persons) (Appendix) revealed positive results in an additional 4 nursery workers (of whom 1 was also a parent of a child attending the facility), 3 children of the nursery workers, 8 children attending the facility, 3 siblings of those children, 8 parents, and 1 grandparent. The cluster involved a total of 29 persons; 8 were children attending the nursery, and 12 were children’s family members who did not enter the facility... Of note, most children in our study were asymptomatic, and this cluster would likely not have been detected without subsequent testing of persons who had direct contact with the index case-patient."

Interessante detaljer i studien, der man har hatt strenge rutiner slik at alle har hatt minst mulig kontakt, og derfor kan si med ganske stor sikkerhet at smitten må ha blitt overført via de små barna.

Det er altså viktig å teste alle, også små barn, og å ha godt fungerende smitteverntiltak i barnehager, det vil si avgrensede kohorter, først og fremst.


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